Single ply flat roofing

PVC single ply membranes offer the abilty to get watertight sooner, allowing for  an earlier interior fit out.

Either mechanically fixed or fully bonded, PVC membranes are hot air welded, using a flame free process...reducing fire risk to virtually zero.

Our dark grey membranes offer a sleek, modern look ...perfect for new build and restoration projects.

Single ply roofs have been known to out live other systems by 2 to 3 times...over 30 years in some cases!!!

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If fitted properly, any lead work, from  flashings to flat roofs,  should live in excess of 100 years.
Lead is such an important component in keeping rain on the outside of your building, so it is imperative you use skilled, qualified  people for the job.
So from basic flashings for chimneys, valleys, troughs or a full dormer project with a lead flat roof...we have the knowledge and experience for every scenario!!



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Pitched roofing

For most people, buying a house will be their biggest expense they ever take on and it is important that the roof stays in a good and healthy condition.

So be it broken, crumbling tiles for a quick repair or a whole new re-roof...we offer the full service!

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